Scanner Zeiss AxioScan
2D imaging
Partner lab price : 17.47 €/hour
Public and private lab price: 82.24 €/hour
Associated technologies:
Brief description:
High Throughput Imaging dedicated to immunostaining (color) or immunofluorescence for histology. Automatic loading of slides. Essential system for toxicity studies and high content screening. Storage virtualization after staining and immunostaining.
Objectifs :
colored camera : Hitachi 3CCD
black and white camera: Hamamatsu orca flash
colored camera : Hitachi 3CCD
black and white camera: Hamamatsu orca flash
Illuminationsource for fluorescence:
colibri2 led (405nm, 488nm;, 555nm, 639nm)
colibri2 led (405nm, 488nm;, 555nm, 639nm)
Filter cubes:
eGFP, Dapi, CY3, CY5
eGFP, Dapi, CY3, CY5
Acquisition mode
automatic acquisition (100 slides)
immuno- and immuno-fluorescence histology
automatic acquisition (100 slides)
immuno- and immuno-fluorescence histology