ImageJ basics
- Theoretical and practical training:
- Image display
- display, levels, contrast and brightness adjustments, changing palette / LUT
- Image pre-processing
- electronic noise management, background noise removal, increasing sharpness -unsharp masking, removing unwanted signals- thresholding and use of masks
- Free image processing and analysis software ImageJ
- Image display
- Colocation
- Image types and formats
- resolution, rgb color conversions, 8 bit grayscale, 16 bit grayscale and 32 bit grayscale
images, tiff files, jpeg files, etc.
- resolution, rgb color conversions, 8 bit grayscale, 16 bit grayscale and 32 bit grayscale
- Image analysis
- Counting objects
- e.g. nuclei, focal adhesions, vesicles
- Measure sizes and distances, measure and compare intensities
- Detect and classify objects
- Annotation of images
- Manipulation of 3D or 2D image stacks
- build a stack, manipulate stacks, create movies, animations and
animations and 3D renderings
- build a stack, manipulate stacks, create movies, animations and
- Counting objects
Please check the upcoming Biocampus workshops for the next date the workshop will take place and to register.